Prof Boccaccini: invited speaker in Madrid
Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini was an invited speaker at the International Meeting “Ageing and Osteoporosis: Current situation and future perspectives” which was held on 29th April 2013 in Madrid (Spain). Prof. Boccaccini’s presentation was entitled “Progress in the development of bioactive materials with vascularization potential for bone regeneration”.
The meeting was organised by Fundacion Ramon Areces of Spain and coordinated by Prof. Maria Vallet Regi of University Complutense of Madrid (Spain), here pictured with Prof. Boccaccini. The program of the Meeting is available here. This was an international activity in the framework of the Agening Network led by Prof. Vallet Regi and Prof. J. Planell (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Barcelona). (Click images to enlarge)