Our review paper on composite hydrogels published

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Our review paper “A review of hydrogel-based composites for biomedical applications: enhancement of hydrogel properties by addition of rigid inorganic fillers”, co-authored with Dr. Stefanie Utech, has been recently published in the 50th Anniversary Issue of the Journal of Materials Science (JMSC) [1]. A total of 45 articles are included in this special issue, coming from the broad field of materials science, including comprehensive reviews, original research articles and personal perspectives, with a preface by Prof. Mark Aindow (University of Connecticut, USA), Deputy Editor-in-Chief of JMSC. Prof. Boccaccini has been a member of the Editorial Board of the J. Mater. Sci. for more than 10 years.

[1] S. Utech, A. R. Boccaccini, A review of hydrogel-based composites for biomedical applications: enhancement of hydrogel properties by addition of rigid inorganic fillers, J. Mater. Sci. 51 (2016) 271-310.