Year: 2019

The special issue "Advanced Glasses, Composites and Ceramics for High Growth Industries", resulting from the EU funded (Horizon 2020) ITN project "CoACH", has been published in the journal Materials. The special issue was co-edited by Prof. Milena Salvo (Polytechnic of Turin, Italy), Prof. Mike Reec...

On 27-28 February 2019 Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini attended the meeting of the Executive Committee (EC) of the Federation of European Materials Societies (FEMS) held in the Maison de la Chimie, in Paris, France. Prof. Boccaccini is FEMS EC member representing the German Materials Society (DGM). The nex...

Category: 2019, News

We are happy to announce that Dr. Agata Lapa, who completed her doctoral studies at the Institute of Biomaterials last December, is the recipient of the Davidge Award 2018 of the journal Advances in Applied Ceramics: Structural, Functional and Bioceramics, the specialist ceramics journal of the Inst...

Category: 2019, Auszeichnungen, News