Year: 2019

Several of our papers appear in the list of the Most Cited articles of different journals (papers published in the last 5 years), according to the data base Scopus. Journal of the European Ceramic Society W. Li, et al., "Pre...

Category: 2019, News, Veröffentlichungen

We congratulate Ms Helly Atiya, who received the 2nd Best Poster Prize at the Poster presentations evening of the Elite Master’s Programme “Advanced Materials and Processes“ (MAP) which took place on 30th January 2019. Ms Atiya presented the poster with the title: "Evaluation of Printability and Bio...

Category: 2019, News, Veranstaltungen

On 4th February 2019, Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini returned to his Alma Mater, RWTH Aachen University, in particular he was at the Institut für Gesteinshüttenkunde, GHI, where he carried out research activities between 1989 and 1994 and where he earned his doctoral degree (Dr.-Ing.) in 1994 (supervisor:...

Category: 2019, News