Prof. Boccaccini: invited speaker at “International Webinars on Materials”, CICECO, Univ. of Aveiro, Portugal
On 28th July 2021, Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini was an invited speaker at the “International Webinars on Materials“ organised by the associate laboratory CICECO – Aveiro Institute of Materials, formerly CICECO-Centre for Research in Ceramics and Composite Materials, at University of Aveiro, Portugal, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of CICECO. Twenty world scientific leaders have been invited to speak in the webinar series to present new avenues for the future of materials science and technology. Invited by Prof. João F. Mano, full professor at CICECO, Prof. Boccaccini presented the lecture: “Bioactive glasses meet 3D bioprinting: advances and challenges for tissue engineering applications”.