Visit from University of Giessen

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On 3rd August 2021, we received the visit of Dr. Alejandra Omarini, Dr. Tetiana Zhuk from Institute of Food Chemistry and Food Biotechnology (AG Prof. Holger Zorn), University of Giessen, and and Mr Bernhard Hellmann (AG Prof. Holger Zorn, JLU and AG Prof. Gunter Eckert ; We are planing a research collaboration with the group based on the development of new biomaterials from mycelium materials and technologies. The collaboration is planned to be expanded to the Association for the Development of Villa Elisa and Area, Argentina, where Dr. Omarini (ADVEZ-CONICET, former member of AG Prof. Zorn, JLU, Giessen) will take soon a senior research position. In the picture, Dr. Omarini, Dr. Zhuk, Mr Hellmann, Dr. Liliana Liverani (FAU), Ms Faina Bider (PhD student, FAU), and Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini (FAU).