Visit of Hazel Simila to University of Michigan School of Dentistry, USA
Our plans to collaborate with the research group of Prof. Marco C. Bottino at the University of Michigan School of Dentistry, USA, have been realized with the first visit of our PhD student Ms. Hazel Simila. Hazel is spending two weeks in Prof. Bottino’s lab carrying out focused cell biology and antibacterial evaluations on new compositions of dental cements containing bioactive glass nanoparticles for dentine-pulp tissue regeneration. We Look forward to further collaboration in the exciting field of dental materials for craniomaxillofacial, periodontal and dentine tissue engineering. Included in the pictures are Hazel Simila, Prof. Marco Botino, and some members of his team: Dr.Renan del Fabro (Postdoctoral researcher), Caroline Anselmi and Laís Cardosa (PhD candidates).