Winter School of P4FiT ITN project in Seefeld, Austria
The Winter School 2024 of the EU H2020-MCSA-ITN-EJD-2020 project PERSPECTIVES FOR FUTURE INNOVATION IN TENDON REPAIR” (P4FIT) took place in Seefeld, Austria, on 17-20 January 2024, organized by Prof. Johannes Stöckl Medical University of Vienna, Austria, in collaboration with Prof. Helder Santos (P4FiT project coordinator) and Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini (FAU). All Early Career Researchers (PhD students) presented the advances of their projects during the latest period (elevator pitch talks). The School included also several invited presentations related to biomaterials, immunology, IP protection, patenting and translation issues. The introductory lecture was presented by Prof. Robert Langer (MIT) (online). There were also different “meet the expert” sessions. In the picture, Prof. Boccaccini and the PhD students being co-supervised by Prof. Boccaccini in co-tutelle with colleagues at the partner institutions. Also with Prof. Peter Dubruel (Ghent University, Belgium), invited speaker.