Prof. Boccaccini attended the online meeting of the Working Group “Bioceramics”  of the German Ceramic Society (DKG)

A screenshot of a zoom meeting with the DKG participants.

On 18th June, Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini attended the online meeting of the Working Group “Bioceramics” (FG7) of the German Ceramic Society (DKG). The theme of the meeting was: “Dental ceramics: current situation and trends”. Prof. Boccaccini was the chair of the Working Group “Ceramics in Medicine and Environment” of DKG from 2019 to 2023. As recommended by Prof. Boccaccini, the WG was splitted in 2024, into two groups: i) WG 7 (FG 7) “Bioceramics”, led by Dr. Franziska Schmidt (Charite, Berlin) and ii) WG 6 (FG 6) “Ceramics in environmental technology”, led by Prof. Emanuel Ionescu (Fraunhofer Institute for Materials Recycling and Resource Strategies IWKS, Alzenau). At the start of the meeting Prof. Boccaccini thanked Dr. Schmidt for having accepted the role of coordinator of the working group “Bioceramics” (FG7).

A screenshot of a zoom meeting with the DKG participants.