“PERSPECTIVES FOR FUTURE INNOVATION IN TENDON REPAIR”: Symposium on EU project P4FiT at the FAU Institute of Biomaterials

Prof. Boccaccini standing in front of the screen with the three speakers.

The symposium “PERSPECTIVES FOR FUTURE INNOVATION IN TENDON REPAIR ” took place on 20th June 2024 at the FAU Institute of Biomaterials, hosted by Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini. This symposium was organised in the frame of the EU H2020-MCSA-ITN-EJD-2020 project P4FiT (“PERSPECTIVES FOR FUTURE INNOVATION IN TENDON REPAIR”). The P4FiT Early Career Researchers (ESRs) (PhD students) primarily based in our Institute presented the advances of their projects during the last period. The presentations were: “Bringing innovation to tendon scaffolds production strategies” by Francesco Iorio, “Polymer blend nanofibrous scaffolds and in vitro potential for tendon tissue engineering” by Seyma Sereflioglu and “Mechanical stimulation of a cell scaffold construct in physioxia : A regenerative medicine approach to rotator cuff tendon healing” by Florencia Diaz. The ESRs are supervised by Prof. Boccaccini in co-tutelle with colleagues at partner institutions (University of Keele, UK, and University of Teramo, Italy).