High school students from Latvia visit the Institute of Biomaterials

Prof. Boccaccini with the students from Latvia standing in the front of the institute smiling

We were happy to host 10th grade students from Latvia on 23th – 25th July in the framework of our collaboration with the Baltic Biomaterials Centre of Excellence (BBCE). They were the winners of the BIO-GO-Higher competition which was organised for 10th and 11th grade high school students from Latvia with the intention to promote the interest of young students in science and engineering. The group travelled under the supervision of Estere Oselska and Elina Kelle, researchers at Riga Technical University. The pupils were welcomed to the FAU Institute of Biomaterials by Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini. Together with their mentor and visiting researchers of BBCE, the pupils visited our laboratories and performed experiments related to biomaterials. From our team, Zoya Hadzhieva and Marcela Arango-Ospina were in charge of the organisation of the visit, and they were supported by Dr. Qaisar Nawaz and Markus Lorke, Rezvan Azari and Meng Li (PhD students) for the laboratory and social activities.