Visit from University of Zagreb, Croatia
Dr. Leonard Bauer from the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, University of Zagreb, Croatia, visited the Institute of Biomaterials in October 2024. During his stay Dr. Bauer, together with Dr. Zoya Hadzhieva (Post-Doc) and Meng Li (Ph.D. student), worked on the DAAD-funded project “Bioactive composite materials for bone tissue engineering” (Principal investigators: Prof. Anamarija Rogina in Zagreb and Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini in Erlangen) and carried out cytocompatibility tests of prepared chitosan-complex doped-bioactive glass composites. Furthermore, the remaining final steps of the bilateral project and future perspectives, including the preparation of a scientific paper for publication, have been discussed with Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini. During this time other visitors from University of Zagreb also visited our Institute to carry out research projects, including Mr. Luka Dornjak and Ms. Marina Monika Marić (Ph.D. students).