Review Meeting of FunGlass H2020 EU Project in Trencin, Slovakia
The Review Meeting of the FunGlass H2020 EU Teaming project (grant agreement Nº739566) was held at University of Trencin, Slovakia, on 17-19th February 2025, chaired by the director of the Centre for Functional and Surface Functionalized Glass (FunGlass), Prof. Dušan Galusek. The meeting was attended by the Scientific Board members and principal investigators from advanced partner institutions: Prof. Alicia Durán (CSIC Madrid, Spain), Prof. Enrico Bernardo (University of Padova, Italy), Prof. Lothar Wondraczek (Univ. of Jena, Germany) and Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini (FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg), along with the Department heads of the FunGlass Centre, the European Project Office manager, and the project reviewers. Dr Zoya Hadzhieva from our Institute also attended. Prof. Boccaccini gave an overview of the activities carried out in the last 7 years (project duration March 2017 – December 2024) in collaboration with FunGlass center researchers in the field of biomaterials and he highlighted the important interaction between researchers (PhD students, post-docs) of our Institute and FunGlass members, which led to more than 20 joint publications and several other collaborative activities (summer schools, hosting senior and early career researchers, symposia co-organisation at conferences, establishment of a co-tutelle agreement between the two Institutions, etc.). Prof. Boccaccini said: “It has been a privilege to be an advanced partner of the FunGlass project and to have had the opportunity to contribute to the establishment and growth of the Center over the past seven years. Congratulations to everyone involved, specially to Prof. Galusek and his team in Trencin who have worked very hard to make FunGlass a succesful scientific institution in the field of functional glasses and ceramics in Europe and worldwide. The termination of the FunGlass project does not mean that our collaboration with the colleagues in Trencin will finalise. As the development of the Centre continues, we plan to expand our interactions and collaboration with the Center and I look forward to the exciting research we can continue to carry out together.”
More information about the Review Meeting is available: