Retreat of the FAU Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Prof. Boccaccini with the participants from the Chair VII

The retreat of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering (WW Department) of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg took place on 20-21 February 2025 in Weisendorf (Bavaria). Prof. Boccaccini attended the meeting representing the FAU Institute of Biomaterials, the Chair VII (WW7) of the WW Department. The meeting, chaired by Department’s head Prof. Mathias Goeken, focused on the planning of the Department strategy for the next year/years. Prof. Boccaccini said: “It was a very productive meeting. It was nice to confirm the strengths of our Department in terms of the high impact of our research outputs and the quality of our undergraduate teaching. Over the years, our Department continues to keep the highest standards in the field of materials science and engineering, which have made it one of the strongest Departments in our field in Germany and beyond”.