First Retreat 2025 of Collaborative Research Centre SFF/TRR 225 in Kloster Banz

Prof. Boccaccini with Dr. Detch and the two PhDs at the retreat

The First Retreat 2025 of the Collaborative Research Centre TRR/SFB 225 “From the fundamentals of biofabrication towards functional tissue models” was held on 24-26 February 2025 in Kloster Banz, Bavaria, Germany. Hsuan-Heng Lu, Jonas Roeder (PhD students, working on projects B03 and A01, respectively), Dr. Rainer Detsch and Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini (pictured) attended the retreat. TRR 225 CRC is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and is currently in the second funding period. Prof. Boccaccini is the spokesperson in TRR 225 for Erlangen (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU) and University Hospital Erlangen (UKER). Prof. Boccaccini is also a member of the TRR225 scientific board. There were interesting discussions with out collaborators in project B03 from University of Bayreuth (PD Dr. Sahar Salehi).