Doctoral thesis success: Mahshid Monavari

Prof. Boccaccini with dr. Mahshid defending

Congratulations to Mahshid Monavari for successfully defending her doctoral thesis titled “3D Printing of Alginate-Dialdehyde-Gelatine (ADA-GEL) Composites Incorporating with Therapeutic Agents and Bioactive Glass for Sustained Drug Delivery in Regenerative Medicine” on 26th March 2025. She carried out her doctoral project in our Institute, supervised by Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini. The oral defense was held online. The members of the committee where Prof. Luca Ghiringhelli (Department of Mater. Sci. and Engineering, FAU), Prof. Sahar Salehi-Müller (Univ. of Bayreuth), Prof. Danijela Gregurec (FAU) and Prof. Boccaccini. Prof. Boccaccini highlighted the interesting results obtained by Mahshid developing hydrogel composites incorporating mesoporous bioactive glass nanoparticles and biomolecules with bone regeneration and wound healing as target applications. The three papers that resulted from this thesis have been published [1-3]. Many congratulations to Mahshid for the successful defense of her doctoral thesis, we wish her all the best in her future career.

[1] Monavari, M., et al., 3D printing of alginate dialdehyde-gelatin (ADA-GEL) hydrogels incorporating phytotherapeutic icariin loaded mesoporous SiO2-CaO nanoparticles for bone tissue engineering. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 2021, 131: 112470.

[2] Monavari, M., et al., A 3D Printed Bone Tissue Engineering Scaffold Composed of Alginate Dialdehyde‐Gelatine Reinforced by Lysozyme Loaded Cerium Doped Mesoporous Silica‐Calcia Nanoparticles. Macromolecular Bioscience, 2022, 22(9): 2200113.

[3] Monavari, M., et al., A 3D-Printed Wound-Healing Material Composed of Alginate Dialdehyde–Gelatin Incorporating Astaxanthin and Borate Bioactive Glass Microparticles. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15, 50626–50637.