who recently passed her PhD oral examination (viva) at Imperial College London. The title of her PhD thesis is: Fabrication and characterisation of 3D porous bioactive glass-ceramic/polymer composite scaffolds for tissue engineering. Darma's supervisor was Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini. We wish Darma all...

Category: 2010, News

The appointment is part of an extended collaboration between NITECH and the Department of Materials Science and Engineering of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, with involvement also of Prof. P. Greil and Prof. A. Roosen. This collaboration is carried out in the framework of the Institute of Ce...

Category: 2010, International, News

Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Vol. 30, Iss. 5, 2010 This special issue was edited by Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini. It includes selected papers from authors who attended the 3rd International Conference on Electrophoretic Deposition held in Hyogo Japan (Oct. 2008). The papers in this issue co...

Category: 2010, News, Veröffentlichungen