The Marie Curie Initial Training Network GLACERCO (Glass and Ceramic Composites for High technology) held the GLACERCO School, the second Network-wide Workshop and the Mid-Term Review meeting on 19-23 November 2012 at Polytechnic of Turin, Italy. Professor Boccaccini delivered the following lectures...

Category: 2012, GLACERCO, International, News

We received the visit of Prof. Yuji Iwamoto, Department of Frontier Materials, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology (NITECH) and Director of the International Center at NITECH, Japan (in the photo with Prof. A. R. Boccaccini and Mr Hideki Mizuno, visiting student from NITEC...

Category: 2012, Besucher, International, News

Prof. Boccaccini will be an invited speaker at the Conference "Materials in Medical Engineering" (Werkstoffe für die Medizintechnik) to be held on 11th December 2012 in Nuremberg. The conference is organised by "Forum MedTech Pharma e.v." and "Cluster Neue Werkstoffe". Prof. Boccaccini will present ...

Category: 2012, Konferenzen, Vorträge

Prof. Boccaccini was one of the invited speakers at the "Cellular Materials CELLMAT 2012" conference held in Dresden on 7-9 November 2012. Prof. Boccaccini presented the lecture "Development of bioactive glass foams for bone regeneration and vascularisation" in the session "Bioengineering, biomateri...

Category: 2012, News, Vorträge

Herzliche Glückwünsche für Tayyab Subhani, der vor kurzem (6. November 2012) seine mündliche Prüfung zu seiner Doktorarbeit am Department of Materials vom Imperial College, London, bestanden hat. Der Titel seiner Arbeit ist ""Silica and borosilicate glass matrix composites containing carbon nanotube...

Category: 2012, Doktorarbeiten, News

Im Rahmen unseres von der DAAD finanzierten Projektes "Novel bionanocomposites for bone tissue engineering", bekamen wir Besuch von Eleftheria Roumeli, Doktorandin vom Physics Department, Aristotle Universität in Thessaloniki (AUT), Griechenland. Dieses Gemeinschaftsprojekt macht den Austausch von ...

Category: 2012, Besucher, International, News