The 1st Workshop of the EU ITN "BioBone" was successfully organised by Prof. A. R. Boccaccini and held at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg on 23-25 Jan. 2013 with participation of young and senior researchers of the different partner institutions collaborating in the EU ITN BioBone (coordinator:...

Category: 2013, BioBone, News, Workshops

Our Institute is now a member of Forum MedTech Pharma e.V., which is also part of the National Strategy "Innovation in Bioengineering" of the German Federal Government. Forum MedTech Pharma is a charitable non-profit making association which offers a unique platform for knowledge exchange and profes...

Category: 2013, News

Dr Katerina Aifantis visited our Insitute on 17.1.2013. Dr Aifantis holds an ERC Starting Grant 211166 for studying the mechanical behavior of materials as they transition from the micro to the nanoscale with applications in bio-engineering and Li-ion batteries. The majority of the grant research is...

Category: 2013, International, News