We received the visit of Prof. Andreas Greiner and Prof. Seema Agarwal, of the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry II, University of Bayreuth. We have established a research collaboration between our groups in the field of electrospinning of biopolymers for the development of novel tissue engineer...

Category: 2013, Besucher, News, WW7 intern

On 29th October, Prof. Boccaccini presented the Fall Lecture 2013 of the Institute of Ceramics and Glass of Madrid, Spain. The topic of the lecture was “Bioactive Glass Based Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering: Advances and Challenges” where he presented the knowledge frontiers on the processing ...

Category: 2013, News, Vorträge

Prof. Boccaccini was the international invited speaker at the Seminar: "Bioinspired Materials for Tissue Engineering", held on October 25th, 2013, in the Industrial Engineering School, Campus Lagoas-Marcosende, University of Vigo, Spain, which was organised by The Biomedical Research Institute of Vi...

Category: 2013, News, Vorträge

Professor Boccaccini presented the lecture: "Biofabrication of advanced tissue scaffolds and soft matrices for vascularised bone tissue regeneration” as invited speaker at the conference "Polymere Biomaterialien – vom Material zum Gewebe", organised by MedTech Pharma Forum, in Würzburg, Germany, 10t...

Category: 2013, News, Vorträge

Prof. Jose S. Moya and Dr. Leticia Esteban-Tejeda of the Institute of Materials Science of Madrid, Spain, visited our Institute earlier this month. Prof. Moya was an invited speaker at the GLACERCO workshop organised by Prof. Boccaccini in Erlangen on 8-9 October 2013. We are collaborating with Prof...

Category: 2013, Besucher, International, News

The network-wide Workshop of the EU ITN Glacerco project was held in Erlangen organised by Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini on 8-9 October 2013. The program of the workshop is available. Invited speakers were: Dr. R. Mueller (BAM, Berlin), Prof. C. Zollfrank (TU Munich), Prof. W. Peukert (Univ. of Erlangen-...

Category: 2013, GLACERCO, News, Projekte, Workshops

Dr Leonid Ionov from Leibniz Institute für Polymerforschung Dresden e.V.  visited the Institute of Biomaterials on 7th October and presented an invited lecture entitled: "Self-folding polymer films for design of biomaterials" at the 8th TOPbiomat Scientific Seminar. The future research collaboratio...

Category: 2013, Besucher, News

The 8th Scientific Seminar of the TOPbiomat project funded by the Emerging Fields Initiative (EFI) of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany, took place on 7th October 2013 in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, organized by Professor Aldo R. Boccaccini Dr. L. Ionov (Leibniz...

Category: 2013, EFI, News, Projekte

Prof. Ivo Dlouhy and Dr  Z. Chlup of the Institute for Physics of Materials (IPM), Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Brno, Czech Republic, visited our Institute earlier this month in the context of our collaborative project EU ITN Glacerco. We have a long standing collaboration with the gro...

Category: 2013, Besucher, GLACERCO, International, News, Projekte

Professor Krish Chawla, Professor Emeritus at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Birmingham, Alabama, USA visited our Institute earlier this month in the context of the EU ITN project Glacerco. We have carried out extensive collaborative research activities with Prof....

Category: 2013, Besucher, GLACERCO, International, News, Projekte