Krzysztof W. Luczynski, ein Wissenschaftler (Doktorand) am Institut für Mechanik der Werkstoffe und Strukturen (IMWS), Wiener Fakultät für Bauingenieurwesen (TU Wien), der von Prof. Christian Hellmich betreut wird, besuchte unseren Lehrstuhl am 4. Oktober 2013. Es existiert eine starke Zusammenarbei...

Category: 2013, Besucher, International, News

Prof. Dr. Viviana Mouriño of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, visited our Institute during September in the framework of the collaborative project "Design and development of novel matrices for tissue engineering and/or drug delivery for pathologies ...

Category: 2013, Besucher, International, News

On 13th September Prof. Boccaccini visited the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials at University of Sevilla, Spain. In addition to attending the presentation of the final projects of students E. J. Gil Fernández and G. J. Pérez Jurado (who carried out their research projects at the In...

Category: 2013, International, News

This week, Dr Guido Falk, Leader of the Research Group Structural and Functional Ceramics, at Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Saarland visited our Institute. We discussed research collaboration in the field of electric field assisted processing of biomaterials. Dr Falk...

Category: 2013, Besucher, News

Prof. Dr. Neven Zarkovic of the "Rudjer Boskovic Institute" in Zagreb (Croatia) visited our Institute this week in the framework of our DAAD funded collaborative project "Cu-Bioglass in bone regeneration strategies". The collaboration with Prof. Zarkovic and his team at the Laboratory of Oxidative S...

Category: 2013, Besucher, International, News

Juan P. Cattalini, PhD student at the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, University of Buenos Aires (UBA), Argentina, is visiting our Institute in the framework of our collaborative project: "Design and development of novel matrices for tissue engineering and/or drug delivery for pathologies o...

Category: 2013, Besucher, International, News

These days in August we received the visit of two researchers from France. Dr Aldo Leal-Egaña from CEA Grenoble, Physics of the cytoskeleton and morphogenesis Group, is visiting to discuss further research collaboration in the field of cell-biomaterial interactions for regenerative medicine, follow...

Category: 2013, Besucher, International, News