Prof. A. R. Boccaccini was a member of the organising committee and session chair (Biomaterials Applications) at the EuroBioMat 2013 conference held in Weimar, Germany, on 23-24 April, 2013. Bapi Sarker (PhD student) presented an oral contribution entitled "Fabrication of Alginate-Gelatin Cross-link...

Category: 2013, News, Veranstaltungen

In the framework of a Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM) of the COST Action MP1005 "From nano to macro biomaterials (design, processing, characterization, modeling) and applications to stem cells regenerative orthopedic and dental medicine (NAMABIO)", Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini visited the MIRA Inst...

Category: 2013, International, News

Prof. Boccaccini has been elected member of the Board of the Bavarian University Centre for Latin America (BAYLAT). BAYLAT is a service centre to support the international collaboration and networking among Baviarian and Latin American universities.

Category: 2013, News

Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini will be an invited speaker at the International Meeting "Ageing and Osteoporosis: Current situation and future perspectives" to be held on 29th April 2013. The meeting is organised by Fundacion Ramon Areces of Spain and coordinated by Prof. Maria Vallet Regi of University Co...

Category: 2013, International, News, Vorträge

Prof. A. R. Boccaccini visited the Institute of Functional Interfaces (IFG) at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) on 21st March 2013. He presented the lecture "About surfaces and pores: progress in the development of bioactive scaffolds for tissue engineering" and discussed collaborations betwe...

Category: 2013, News, Vorträge