Several papers co-authored by members of our Institute appear in the lists of "Top 25 Hottest Articles" released by Elsevier in which the 25 most downloaded articles in each journal on ScienceDirect are published. For the period April-June 2014, the following papers of our group are listed: Act...

Category: 2014, News, Veröffentlichungen

Prof. Boccaccini has been invited to serve in the Editorial Board of the Journal of Ceramic Science and Technology (JCST). The journal publishes original papers on all topics of ceramic science and technology and from all ceramic areas. A high quality of publications is guaranteed by a thorough doub...

Category: 2014, News, Veröffentlichungen

A seminar was held on 2nd October 2014 to inaugurate the new scanning electron microscopy (SEM) facility in the Institute of Biomaterials in collaboration with the Institute of Polymer Materials. This new SEM acquired with support of the German Science Foundation (DFG) belongs to the two mentioned I...

Category: 2014, News, WW7 intern

Our Institute was well represented at the Materials Science and Engineering 2014 conference (MSE 2014) held in Darmstadt, Germany on 23-25 September 2014. Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini was a member of the organizing committee and he organized and chaired the symposium "Biomaterials Applications". He also...

Category: 2014, Konferenzen, News

During the "Advances in Bioactive Glasses" Symposium held at the 26th Annual Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials (ESB) (Liverpool, UK, 3rd September 2014) honouring Professor Larry Hench, the inventor of bioactive glass, the new journal "BIOMEDICAL GLASSES" was launched. Professor Al...

Category: 2014, News, Veröffentlichungen

Ms Pooja Basnett (pictured with Prof. Boccaccini) completed successfully her PhD project at the University of Westminster, London, UK, under supervision of Dr. Ipsita Roy (Head of Applied Biotechnology Research Group, Department of Molecular and Applied Biosciences, University of Westminster) and wi...

Category: 2014, Doktorarbeiten, International, News