Prof. Boccaccini was an invited speaker at: Stern Forum Innovation and Biomaterials organized by "BioRegio STERN". The event was held in Stuttgart, Germany, on 29th April. He presented the scientific perspective lecture: “Biomaterials in bone tissue regeneration and biofabrication: advances and chal...

Category: 2014, News, Vorträge

Two new DAAD funded projects have been awarded to the Institute of Biomaterials (Head: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Aldo R. Boccaccini) for scientific collaboration with researchers in Poland and the Republic of Serbia. The project "New functionalised biodegradable elastomers for cardiac tissue engineering...

Category: 2014, International, News, Projekte

Prof. Djordje Janackovic, Dean of the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, Serbia, visited our Institute on 23rd April. We have established a collaboration with the research group of Prof. Janackovic in the field of ion doped bioactive glasses for tissue engineering. The fir...

Category: 2014, Besucher, International, News

Prof. A. R. Boccaccini was invited to visit the Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology, Mathematical and Physic Sciences Faculty, at University of Chile (UoCh), Santiago on 14-15 April. He presented the lecture: "Development of bioactive glasses for tissue engineering: progress and ch...

Category: 2014, International, News, Vorträge