In the framework of our collaborations with the Advanced Materials Engineering Laboratory and the Chair for Functional Materials at the University of Saarland, led by Prof. Frank Mücklich, Mr Federico Lasserre (pictured with Prof. Boccaccini) visited our Institute on 3-4 August 2015. The collaborati...

Kategorie: 2015, Besucher, News, Veröffentlichungen

On 29th July 2015 Wei Li successfully defended his doctoral thesis entitled: "45S5 Bioactive Glass-Based Composite Scaffolds with Polymer Coatings for Bone Tissue Engineering Therapeutics", carried out under supervision of Professor Aldo R. Boccaccini at our Institute. In addition to Prof. Boccaccin...

Prof. Ilaria Cacciotti, of University Niccolo Cusano, Rome, Italy, visited the Institute of Biomaterials on 28-29 July 2015. Prof. Cacciotti conducts research in the field of biomaterials, including bioactive glasses. Prof. Boccaccini has initiated an ERASMUS exchange program between the Engineering...

Kategorie: 2015, Besucher, International, News

On 28th July 2015 Qiang Chen successfully defended his doctoral thesis entitled: "Electrophoretic Deposition of Composite Coatings with Bioactive Character and Drug Delivery Capability", carried out under supervision of Professor Aldo R. Boccaccini at our Institute. In addition of Prof. Boccaccini, ...

On 23rd July 2015 we received the visit of J. Mater. Chem. B 2 (2014) 1470PD Dr. Bernd Rolauffs Deputy Director of the Siegfried Weller Institute for Trauma Research and Director of the Laboratory for Biomechanics at the Berufsgenossenschaftliche Unfallklinik Tuebingen, University of Tuebingen, and...

Kategorie: 2015, News