We welcome our visiting researchers from Turkey (Fatih Erdem Baştan, Sakarya University), Spain (Julia M. Urena Alcazar, Universidad Carlos III, Madrid and Eugeni C. Recacha, Inst. of Ceramics Technology, Castellon), Italy (Mariangela Curcio, University of Basilicata, Daniela Trapani, Polytechnic of...

Category: 2016, News

Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini attended the Annual General Meeting of the Network of Argentinian Scientists in Germany (Red de Cientificos Argentinos en Alemania, RCAA), which was held on 11th November 2016 at the Embassy of Argentina in Berlin. Prof. Boccaccini represents the area "Engineering" at the Ad...

Category: 2016, News

The progress meeting of the H2020-MSCA-ITN project "Drug-free antibacterial hybrid biopolymers for medical applications" (HyMedPoly) was held on 9-11 November 2016 in Heidelberg, Germany, hosted by the partner EURESCON. The PhD students of the FAU Institute of Biomaterials involved in this project, ...

Category: 2016, HyMedPoly, News, Projekte

Prof. Boccaccini attended the MS&T 2016 conference joint with ACerS 118th Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City, USA, on 23-27 October 2016. Prof. Boccaccini delivered the lecture and tutorial entitled: "Bioactive Glasses in Soft Tissue Repair. What Do We Know So Far?" related to the prestigious "Art...

Category: 2016, Konferenzen, News