Auf Grund einer Einladung des "Gastprofessoren" Programms durch die "Scientiae Wratislavienses" der Stadt Wroclaw in Polen wird Professor Boccaccini die Wrocław University of Science and Technology vom 22. bis 24. Mai 2017 besuchen. Das Program des Besuchs enthält vier Vorlesungen von Prof. Boccacci...

Category: 2017, News, Vorträge

On 10-12 May 2017 we received the visit of Dr. Franziska Schmidt, work group leader in the Department of Ceramic Materials, (Head: Prof. A. Gurlo), Institut for Materials Science and Technology, Technical University Berlin (TU Berlin). Dr Schmidt visited also our laboratory for biofabrication in E...

Category: 2017, Besucher, News

  Our Institute was well represented at the 4th Euro BioMAT conference held in Weimar, Germany, on 9-10 May 2017. Prof. Boccaccini was member of the organising committee and he presented the oral contribution: "Electrophoretic deposition of multifunctional chitosan- bioactive glass composite...

Category: 2017, International, Konferenzen, News