
Das Review Paper "Bioactive Glass and Glass-Ceramic Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering" Materials 2010, 3(7), 3867-3910; doi:10.3390/ma3073867, das von Dr. L.-C. Gerhardt und Prof. A. R. Boccaccini mit verfasst wurde, wurde zum "Materials Best Paper Award 2014-Category Reviews"prämiert. Dies ist ...

Category: 2014, Auszeichnungen, News, Veröffentlichungen

The poster entitled "Glass composites containing carbon nanotubes: Processing, characterisation and prospects for toughening" from Tayyab Subhani, Johann Cho, Fawad Inam, Michael J. Reece, William E. Lee, Aldo R. Boccaccini and Milo S. Shaffer, received the first price during the International Confe...

Category: 2012, Auszeichnungen, News

Vincent Bürger, who graduated from the MAP course recently and carried out his Master thesis at our Institute under supervision of Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini and Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Hoppe, in collaboration with Prof. L. Wondraczek (WW3), on the topic: "Effects of Residual Surface Stresses on the Bioa...

Category: 2011, Auszeichnungen, News

A poster presentation by Tayaab Subhani (PhD student based at Imperial College in London, co-supervised by Prof. M. Shaffer (Imperial), Prof. W. E. Lee (Imperial) and Prof. A. R. Boccaccini), entitled Glass composites containig carbon nanotubes: processing, characterization and prospects for toughen...

Category: 2011, Auszeichnungen, International, News