
Im Rahmen unseres DAAD geförderten Projekts zu Biomaterialien, die aus Borosilikat-Sol-Gel gewonnen werden, mit der Universität von Aveiro (UA), Portugal, besuchten Jose Carlos Almeida und Soraia Coelho, Department Materials & Ceramic Engineering und CICECO – Aveiro Institute of Materials, Centr...

Category: 2018, Besucher, International, News

In the framework of the I.DEAR program ("Ingenieure Deutschland - Argentina") in Materials Science Engineering between National University of Mar del Plata (UNMDP) and FAU, involving the exchange of Master students and scientific personnel between the two institutions, Prof. Dr. Miriam Castro, Facul...

Category: 2018, Besucher, I.DEAR, International, News

Prof. Ratana Rujiravanit, The Petroleum and Petrochemical College, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, was a guest at the Institute of Biomaterials on 30th April - 5th May 2018. On 4th May, she presented the seminar "Transformation of biopolymers derived from agricultural wastes to value-added produ...

Category: 2018, Besucher, News, Vorträge