
Elefteria Roumeli, Doktorandin der Aristotle University von Thessaloniki (AUT), Griechenland, besuchte diesen Monat unseren Lehrstuhl. Der Besuch fand im Rahmen des von der DAAD finanzierten IKYDA-Projektes: "Novel bionanocomposites for bone tissue engineering" statt. Dieses Gemeinschaftsprojekt mac...

Kategorie: 2013, Besucher, International, News

Prof. Evzen Amler and Ms Eva Prosecka, M.Sc. (PhD student) from Institute of Biophysics, Charles University in Prague and Institute of Experimental Medicine AS CR, Department of Tissue Engineering in Prague (Czech Republic) visited our Institute this month. Currently there are collaborations with Pr...

Kategorie: 2013, Besucher, BIOSCENT, International, News, Projekte

Dr Tim Douglas, a research associate at the Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Gent (Belgium) visited our Institute on 17th December. We discussed collaborations in the field of nanocomposites for tissue engineering based on bioactive glass nanoparticles incorporated in soft matrices. I...

Kategorie: 2012, Besucher, News

Dr Fredrik Ollila, (pictured with Prof. Boccaccini), Chief Executive Officer of BonAlive Biomaterials Ltd., visited our Institute on 12th December 2012 to discuss the on-going collaboration in the field of bioactive glasses for bone tissue regeneration. BonAlive Biomaterials Ltd. is based in Turku, ...

Kategorie: 2012, Besucher, News

We received the visit of Prof. Yuji Iwamoto, Department of Frontier Materials, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology (NITECH) and Director of the International Center at NITECH, Japan (in the photo with Prof. A. R. Boccaccini and Mr Hideki Mizuno, visiting student from NITEC...

Kategorie: 2012, Besucher, International, News

Im Rahmen unseres von der DAAD finanzierten Projektes "Novel bionanocomposites for bone tissue engineering", bekamen wir Besuch von Eleftheria Roumeli, Doktorandin vom Physics Department, Aristotle Universität in Thessaloniki (AUT), Griechenland. Dieses Gemeinschaftsprojekt macht den Austausch von ...

Kategorie: 2012, Besucher, International, News