
The meeting of the Executive Board of the DGM Regionalforum Erlangen was held remotely on 12th October 2020, hosted by Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini (chair of the board). The Board members present were: Prof. Carolin Koerner (FAU), Dr. Tobias Fey (FAU), Prof. Uwe Glatzel (Univ. of Bayreuth), Dr. Thomas G...

Category: 2020, News

We congratulate Katharina Schuhladen, who successfully defended her doctoral thesis entitled "Development of multifunctional wound dressings by using newly designed ion-doped borosilicate and borate bioactive glasses" on 30th September 2020. She carried out her doctoral project in our Institute supe...

Category: 2020, News

The Summer School on “Additive Manufacturing of Ceramics”, organized by Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini in the framework of the EU RISE project AMITIE (“Additive Manufacturing Initiative for Transnational Innovation in Europe”), was successfully held in digital form on 28-30th September. The schedule inclu...

Category: 2020, News

On 23th September we received the visit of Zeqian Xu, post-doctoral researcher in Prof. Dr. Frank Rupp's Group, Section Medical Materials Science and Technology, University Hospital,  Eberhard Karls University Tübingen. Dr Xu's research interest are: biosensors for detecting protein abs...

Category: 2020, News