
The 3rd scientific meeting of the TRANSFORMAS research group took place on 25th November 2015 in the Andreas Wentzensen Research Institute of the BG Trauma Center Ludwigshafen. TRANSFORMAS ("Translational Applications for Material Science") is a research initiative between the Institute of Biomateri...

Category: 2015, News, Projekte

The latest progress meeting of the EU project ReBioStent (Reinforced Bioresorbable Biomaterials for Therapeutic Drug Eluting Stents)  took place on 5-6 November 2015 in Heidelberg, Germany, at the premises of Eurescom one of the consortium partners. Doctoral researcher Elena Boccardi (pictured with ...

Category: 2015, News, Projekte, ReBioStent

Ms Claudia Ramskogler, of Institute of Materials Science and Welding, Graz University of Technology, Austria, has finalized her research stay in our Institute which was carried out with a fellowship of the European Virtual Institute on Knowledge-based Multifunctional Materials AISBL (KMM.VIN). Ms Ra...

Category: 2015, KMM-VIN, News, Projekte

Das Eröffnungstreffen des EU (Horizon 2020) finanzierten Projektes RESLAG (Abfälle der Stahlindustrie in wertvolle und kostengünstige Rohstoffe für energieintensive Branchen zu verwandeln) fand am 7. September 2015 an der CIC Energigune, Miñano (Spanien) statt. RESLAG ist ein großes EU Projekt mit 1...

Category: International, News, Projekte, RESLAG

Dr Ipsita Roy, Head of Applied Biotechnology Research Group, Department of Molecular and Applied Biology, University of Westminster, London, UK, visited the Institute of Biomaterials on 10-11 September 2015. We have an extensive collaboration with the group of Dr Roy, which started with research on ...

Category: 2015, Besucher, International, News, Projekte, ReBioStent