
The 11th Scientific Seminar of the Emerging Fields Initiative (EFI) funded project: "Bioactive materials, cell and tissue printing: New therapeutic approaches for organ level tissue engineering and regenerative medicine" (TOPbiomat) was held on 12th June at the Department of Materials Science and En...

Category: 2014, News, Projekte, TOPbiomat, Veranstaltungen

The Workshop "Current Research, Industrial and Clinical Issues in Bone Implant Development" was held at the Fraunhofer IFAM in Bremen on 21-22 May 2014. This workshop was organised in the framework of Working Group 3 "Biomaterials" coordinated by Prof. A. R. Boccaccini and Prof. C. Hellmich (TU Vien...

Category: 2014, KMM-VIN, News, Projekte, Workshops

Two new DAAD funded projects have been awarded to the Institute of Biomaterials (Head: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Aldo R. Boccaccini) for scientific collaboration with researchers in Poland and the Republic of Serbia. The project "New functionalised biodegradable elastomers for cardiac tissue engineering...

Category: 2014, International, News, Projekte

Prof. Boccaccini attended the General Assembly and the Governing Council meeting of the European Virtual Institute on Knowledge-based Multifunctional Materials AISBL (KMM-VIN) held in Brussels on 18th February 2014. Prof. Boccaccini is one of the coordinators of the Working Group 3 "Biomaterials" an...

Category: 2014, International, KMM-VIN, News, Projekte

The kick-off meeting of the project: "Synthetic Biology" took place on 5th February 2014. The program of the meeting is available here (Click "here" to access it). The project is funded by the Emerging Fields Initiative of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. The project coordinator is Prof. U. So...

Category: 2014, News, Projekte

The Emerging Fields project TOPbiomat coordinated by Prof. A. R. Boccaccini celebrated its second year of successful collaboration with the end-of-year meeting on 16th December 2013. A total of 25 researchers are now working in the framework of this Emerging Fields Initiative funded project includin...

Category: 2013, EFI, News, Projekte