
On 25th April, Mr Tobias Zehnder (student of Materials Science and Engineering) presented successfully the results of his Master thesis project entitled "Characterisation and processing of alginate-based hydrogels for application in 3-D plotting". This research project was carried out under supervi...

Category: 2013, EFI, News

Prof. Evzen Amler and Ms Eva Prosecka, M.Sc. (PhD student) from Institute of Biophysics, Charles University in Prague and Institute of Experimental Medicine AS CR, Department of Tissue Engineering in Prague (Czech Republic) visited our Institute this month. Currently there are collaborations with Pr...

Category: 2013, Besucher, BIOSCENT, International, News, Projekte

On 6th February a progress meeting of the project TOPbiomat funded by the Emerging Fields Initiative (EFI) of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg took place at the Institute of Biomaterials, coordinated by Prof. A. R. Boccaccini and Dr. R. Detsch. The subprojects involving biomaterial development f...

Category: 2013, EFI, News, Projekte, TOPbiomat

The 1st Workshop of the EU ITN "BioBone" was successfully organised by Prof. A. R. Boccaccini and held at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg on 23-25 Jan. 2013 with participation of young and senior researchers of the different partner institutions collaborating in the EU ITN BioBone (coordinator:...

Category: 2013, BioBone, News, Workshops

The Emerging Fields project TOPbiomat coordinated by Prof. A. R. Boccaccini celebrated one year of successful collaboration with the end-of-year meeting on 18th December. A total of 25 researchers are now working in the framework of this Emerging Fields Initiative funded project including academics,...

Category: 2012, EFI, News

On 3rd December 2012, Prof. A. R. Boccaccini (Institute of Biomaterials) and Prof. R. Horch (Chair for Plastic and Hand Surgery) presented the Emerging Fields project "TOPbiomat" in the framework of the Emerging Fields Lectures Series of our University. Prof. Heike Walles of the Unversity of Würzbur...

Category: 2012, EFI, News, Vorträge

The Marie Curie Initial Training Network GLACERCO (Glass and Ceramic Composites for High technology) held the GLACERCO School, the second Network-wide Workshop and the Mid-Term Review meeting on 19-23 November 2012 at Polytechnic of Turin, Italy. Professor Boccaccini delivered the following lectures...

Category: 2012, GLACERCO, International, News