
The Innovation Workshop of the EU ITN P4FiT PERSPECTIVES FOR FUTURE INNOVATION IN TENDON REPAIR (EU H2020-MCSA-ITN-EJD-2020) took place on 12-13 November 2023 in Amsterdam. The Workshop discussed innovations in the field of tendon repair strategies based on results achieved by the PhD students membe...

Category: 2023, News, P4FIT, Workshops

Many congratulations to Mr Susanta Sengupta for successfully defending his doctoral thesis titled “Fibrous structures based on biopolymers and biologically active ion doped mesoporous bioactive glass nanoparticles for tissue engineering applications: development and characterization” on 21st August ...

Category: 2023, Doktorarbeiten, FunGLASS, News

Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini, Dr. Irem Unalan, Dr. Qaisar Nawaz and Ms Marcela Arango-Ospina (PhD student) attended a series of events at the FunGlass – Centre for Functional and Surface Functionalized Glass, Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín, Slovakia (FunGlass EU project, 739566). They participat...

Category: 2023, FunGLASS, News