The First Retreat 2025 of the Collaborative Research Centre TRR/SFB 225 “From the fundamentals of biofabrication towards functional tissue models” was held on 24-26 February 2025 in Kloster Banz, Bavaria, Germany. Hsuan-Heng Lu, Jonas Roeder (PhD students, working on projects B03 and A01, respective...
The General Assembly and Update Meeting of the DFG funded Collaborative Research Center (CRC 1540) "Exploring Brain Mechanics" was held on 31st January 2025 in Erlangen. Prof. Boccaccini presented a summary of the progress in research project "X03: Engineering brain tissue-like matrices", of which ...
Ms. Hsuan-Heng Lu, who is carrying out her doctoral thesis in our Institute under the supervision of Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini in the framework of the Collaborative Research Centre SFB/TRR 225 ‘From the fundamentals of biofabrication towards functional tissue models" has won Best Student Poster prese...
The 1st Retreat of the Collaborative Research Centre CRC /SFB 1540 "Exploring Brain Mechanics" (EBM) took place on 21-22 September 2023 in Bad Windsheim. Mr Markus Lorke (PhD student on the project) and Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini attened the meeting. The CRC benetifs from the expertise of engineers, p...
We congratulate Jonas Hazur for successfully defending his doctoral thesis titled "Chemically and physically modified alginate-based bioinks for 3D biofabrication" on 16th December 2022. Jonas carried out his doctoral project in our Institute supervised by Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini in the framework o...
Ms Lisa Schöbel, currently PhD student in our Institute, has won the Best Master Thesis Award 2022 of the German Society for Biomaterials (DGBM). Lisa carried out her Master thesis project on optimised and functionalised alginate based hydrogels for Biofabrication, within project B06 of the Collabor...
On 29-30 July 2019, we received the visit of Prof. Rainer Bader, Dr. Anika Jonitz-Heinke and Ms Franziska Jahn (PhD student), from Orthopedic Medical Center and Polyclinics, University Medicine Rostock, University of Rostock. We have currently several collaborations with Prof. Bader's group includin...
On 20-24 May 2019, we received the visit of Ms Alina Weizel, PhD student at University of Rostock, in the group of Prof. Hermann Seitz, Chair for Microfluidics. Ms Weizel visited also the research group of Dr. Silvia Budday (pictured with Ms Weizel and Prof. Boccaccini) at the FAU Chair of Applied M...
Our Institute was well represented at the 5th European Symposium and Exhibition of Biomaterials and Related Areas (Euro BioMAT 2019), held in Weimar, Germany, on 8-9 May 2019. Prof. Boccaccini is a member of the scientific committee of EuroBiomat conference series, which is chaired by Prof. Klaus Ja...
Prof. Dietmar Hutmacher, Distinguished Professor and Chair in Regenerative Medicine, Science and Engineering Faculty, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), visited the FAU Bioresearch Centre on 19th February 2019, where he visited the laboratories and research facilities of the Institute of Bi...