On 21-23 January 2019 Professor Aldo R. Boccaccini (Head, Institute of Biomaterials, and Chair, FAU Department of Materials Science and Engineering), https://www.ww.tf.fau.de/ hosted a delegation of students from the School of Engineering, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina, with sponsorship of t...
Prof. Barbara Nebe, Head of Cell Biology Division, Medical Centre of the University of Rostock, visited the Institute of Biomaterials on 21st January 2019. We are currently collaborating with Prof. Nebe's research group in the field of cell-material interactions in the framework of the Collaborative...
On 10-11 December 2018 we received the visit of Prof. Sandra Van Vlierberghe, Polymer Chemistry & Biomaterials Group, Faculty of Sciences, University of Gent, Belgium.
Prof. Van Vlierberghe was an invited speaker at the Institute of Biomaterials hosted by Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini. The title ...
Die internationale Konferenz 2018, der International Society for Biofabrication (ISBF) wurde vom 28.-31. Oktober in Würzburg, Deutschland, unter dem Vorsitz von Prof. J. Groll (Universität Würzburg) abgehalten.
Unser Lehrstuhl hatte eine starke Beteiligung an der Konferenz. Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini...
On 19th July 2018, Prof. Boccaccini was a guest speaker at Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Medical School, in the framework of the Collaborative Research Centre Transregio 79 (SFB/TRR 79): "Materials for tissue regeneration within systemically altered bone“, hosted by Prof. Christian Heiss, Direct...
On 18-19 June 2018 we received the visit of Dr. John Hardy, Department of Chemistry and Materials Science Institute, Lancaster University, UK. John was an invited speaker at the Materials Science Colloquium of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at FAU, hosted by Prof. Aldo R. Boccac...
The kick-off meeting of project B03 (Simultaneous printing of biofabricated constructs and tailored bioreactors) within the Collaborative Research Centre TRR 225 "From the fundamentals of biofabrication towards functional tissue models" took place on 17th April 2018 at the Institute of Biomaterials,...
Das Auftakttreffen des Projekts B03 (Simultandruck von Strukturen, die mit Bio-Verfahren hergestellt wurden und maßgeschneiderten Bioreaktoren) im Rahmen des Sonderforschungsbereichs TRR 225 "Von den Grundlagen der Biofabrikation zu funktionellen Gewebemodellen" fand am 17. April 2018 am Lehrstuhl B...
The German Science Foundation (DFG) has approved the establishment of the new Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) ("Transregio TR-Sonderforschungsbereich"): "From the fundamentals of biofabrication to functional tissue models". This is a large scale, highly interdisciplinary research effort inv...