The paper "Geopolymers from DC Plasma Treated APC Residues, Metakaolin, and GGBFS" co-authored by Prof. A. R. Boccaccini and co-authors of Imperial College London (Dr. I. Kourti, Dr. D. Amutha Rani, and Dr. C.R. Cheeseman) which was presented at the Second International Conference on Sustainable Con...
The volume "Ceramics for Environmental and Energy Applications" has been published in the Ceramic Transactions series of the American Ceramic Society (vol. 215), Editors: A. R. Boccaccini, J. Marra, F. Dogan, H.-T. Lin, T. Watanabe. Details
Two papers co-authored by Professor Boccaccini are the most dowloaded papers published in the J. Europ. Ceram. Soc. (period April-June 2010), according to the Elsevier webpage The papers are:
Electrophoretic deposition of carbon nanotubeceramic nanocomposites
Journal of the European Ceramic Soci...
This special issue was edited by Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini. The 15 papers published in this issue were selected from the high quality contributions presented at the Euromat 2009 Conference, held in Glasgow, UK, in September 2009. The papers cover a great variety of biomaterial systems, i.e. biopolyme...
This special issue was edited by Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini. The 15 papers published in this issue were selected from the high quality contributions presented at the Euromat 2009 Conference, held in Glasgow, UK, in September 2009. The papers cover a great variety of biomaterial systems, i.e. biopolyme...
A paper co-authored by Prof. A. R. Boccaccini (co-authors Johann Cho, Milo S. P. Shaffer) entitled: Ceramic matrix composites containing carbon nanotubes (J. Mater. Sci. 44 (2009) pp. 1934-1951) - is one of the five most highly-cited articles from the Journal in 2009, according the publisher.
Application of electrophoretic and electrolytic deposition techniques in ceramics processing, Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science, Volume 6, June 2002, Pages 251-260, verfasst von Prof. A. R. Boccaccini und Prof. I. Zhitomirsky (McMaster University, Kanada), zählt zu den TOP 25 de...
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Vol. 30, Iss. 5, 2010
This special issue was edited by Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini. It includes selected papers from authors who attended the 3rd International Conference on Electrophoretic Deposition held in Hyogo Japan (Oct. 2008). The papers in this issue co...
Our book co-edited with Dr Julie Gough (University of Manchester) entitled: "Tissue Engineering using Ceramics and Polymers" is published by Woodhead Publishing Ltd. This book will prove an innovative and up-to-date reference for professionals and academics involved in the field of tissue engineerin...
Several papers co-authored by Prof.Aldo R. Boccaccini are among the ScienceDirect Top 25 Hottest Articles published by Elsevier Journals considering the number of downloads for the period July-September 2009.
Electrophoretic deposition: From traditional ceramics to nanotechnology Journal of the E...