
On 29th October, Prof. Boccaccini presented the Fall Lecture 2013 of the Institute of Ceramics and Glass of Madrid, Spain. The topic of the lecture was “Bioactive Glass Based Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering: Advances and Challenges” where he presented the knowledge frontiers on the processing ...

Kategorie: 2013, News, Vorträge

Prof. Boccaccini was the international invited speaker at the Seminar: "Bioinspired Materials for Tissue Engineering", held on October 25th, 2013, in the Industrial Engineering School, Campus Lagoas-Marcosende, University of Vigo, Spain, which was organised by The Biomedical Research Institute of Vi...

Kategorie: 2013, News, Vorträge

Professor Boccaccini presented the lecture: "Biofabrication of advanced tissue scaffolds and soft matrices for vascularised bone tissue regeneration” as invited speaker at the conference "Polymere Biomaterialien – vom Material zum Gewebe", organised by MedTech Pharma Forum, in Würzburg, Germany, 10t...

Kategorie: 2013, News, Vorträge

Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini was an invited speaker at the International Meeting "Ageing and Osteoporosis: Current situation and future perspectives" which was held on 29th April 2013 in Madrid (Spain). Prof. Boccaccini's presentation was entitled "Progress in the development of bioactive materials with...

Kategorie: 2013, News, Vorträge

Prof. Aldo R. Boccaccini will be an invited speaker at the International Meeting "Ageing and Osteoporosis: Current situation and future perspectives" to be held on 29th April 2013. The meeting is organised by Fundacion Ramon Areces of Spain and coordinated by Prof. Maria Vallet Regi of University Co...

Kategorie: 2013, International, News, Vorträge

Prof. Boccaccini was one of the invited speakers at the 6th Annual Meeting of the Scandinavian Society for Biomaterials held in Hafjell (Norway) on March 13-15, 2013. Prof Boccaccini delivered the lecture "Bioactive scaffolds for tissue engineering and vascularization". In the photo, Prof. Boccaccin...

Kategorie: 2013, News, Vorträge