Dr. Monika Furko
Dr. Monika Furko
Former visiting researcher
Institute for Technical Physics and Materials Science
Centre for Energy Research
Eötvös Loránd Research Network (ELKH), Hungary
Bioceramic-polymer coatings on metallic implants: biological characterisation
Host: Prof Aldo R. Boccaccini
In the frame of our research we develop bioactive ion doped hydroxyapatite-biopolymer composite coatings onto implant materials. The nano-structured, pure and bioactive ion doped hydroxyapatite powders are prepared via wet chemical precipitation. Depending on the preparation method, the mechanical and morphological characteristics of coatings can be optimized to a required form. We are studying the biological performance of prepared composite coatings to determine how the morphology and structure of polymer fibers/films and ceramic particles affect the viability of pre-osteoblast or bone cells. These types of coatings can provide suitable environment to promote the bone attachment, growth, cell proliferation and differentiation owing to the hydroxyapatite content, which has a chemical and morphological structure that resembles the human bone. The adhesion strength of ceramic coatings can be improved by applying biopolymer layers on the implant’s surface. The visiting stay is funded by the JECS TRUST.