Hazel Simila

Hazel Simila, M. Sc.

Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Chair of Material Science (Biomaterials)

Room: Room 0.211
Cauerstraße 6
91058 Erlangen

PhD student

Email: hazel.simila@fau.de


New Formulations of Calcium Silicate Based Dental Cements


Supervisor: Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Aldo R. Boccaccini

The quest for ideal materials with regenerative potential for dental tissue restoration is never ending. This is why dental cements based on calcium silicates have elicited enormous interest over the last 30 years. This has been driven by their ability to form apatite when in contact with oral saliva and dentinal tissue fluids [1]. Nevertheless, materials still lack sufficient mechanical properties, specific anticaries ability and simple handling. This research will attempt to address this by reconstituting novel calcium silicate dental cements with various nanosized bioactive inorganic materias and polymeric resins. The novel compositions will be characterized and relevant physicomechanical, biological and chemical properties evaluated and compared. Optimum formulations will be specifically tested for suitability in dentine replacement, intermediary restoration, and endodontic therapy.
This project is supported the Kenyan-German Postgraduate Training Program

[1] Simila HO, Karpukhina N, Hill RG. Bioactivity and fluoride release of strontium and fluoride modified Biodentine. Dent Mater. 2018, 34(1):e1-e7.