Dr.-Ing. Uli Lohbauer

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Lohbauer

Leitung wiss. Labor

Clinic for Restorative Dentistry and Periodontology
Chair of Dental, Oral, and Maxillofacial Medicine, especially Conservative Dentistry

Room: Room 4.334
Glückstr. 11
91054 Erlangen


Privat Dozent Dr.-Ing. Uli Lohbauer

Short biographic Abstract

Ulrich Lohbauer received his Diploma in Materials Science and Engineering (Dipl.-Ing.) at the Technical Faculty, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg in 1998. He obtained his interdisciplinary Ph.D. degree (Dr.-Ing.) under the supervision of Prof. P. Greil and Prof. A. Petschelt in Dental Materials Science in March 2003. Between 2003 and 2006, he was visiting scientist at Imperial College, London (Prof. L.L. Hench) and Athens University (Prof. G. Eliades). In 2007, he further graduated as Professor in Dental Materials (Habilitation) at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. He became a Fellow (FADM) and Board member of the Academy of Dental Materials in 2009. His research interests are into long-term behavior and lifetime assessment of resin composites and ceramics in a clinical context as well as mechanical and physical performance of dental restoratives and clinical fractography. He is founder and president of the Fracto Forum International (www.fractography.org). Ulrich Lohbauer is current president of the Academy of Dental Materials (2020-2022). He published more than 180 peer-reviewed manuscripts and holds an h-index of 48.